Community Gallery
It starts with an idea..
You will never believe what I just caught..
Tell us your stories, share your adventures
Just Added
Tide & Weather Information – St. Augustine Florida
Local tide and weather information refreshed daily and weekly to make planning your outdoor activities and fishing trips easy. Tides are provided for beach and city dock areas.
See what is going on at St. Augustine Marina, with the Beach family, and in Vilano Beach / St. Augustine, Florida. Any updates, events, or articles can be found here.
We want to showcase your local adventures, product recommendations, and experiences! Tell us your story or let us show off your greatest catch. Show off your new boat or your best 10 pointer.
Submission Guidelines
- Images, video, or text submissions are welcome as long as they are yours to share. Please do not submit any content that isn’t yours to share or features others that may not want to be showcased.
- We may use your submissions to create content on staugmarinainc.com, for advertising purposes, or social media post creation.
- You waive all rights to compensation for your submission, including royalties or commission (that isn’t to say we won’t compensate with discounts or persoanl promos in store, but no promises!)
- All submissions must be ‘PG’ in nature – no profanity, no nudity, nothing violent or bloody (we understand that what we do can get messy, we are talking gratuitous), nothing sexually explicit or innuendo.
- Children shown must have parental consent under 13. In order to protect our young ones, please only submit images or video that contains a child or children if you are their parent or legal guardian and are legally capable of giving consent.
- Sorry, we can’t just pull your images and video off of social media! All submissions have to have a documented release for legal reasons and to placate our sponsors and vendors. If you are a friend of the family or a family member, please get in touch with Jimmy or Brian to have your photos /videos featured.
- We do not share or sell your personal data. Submissions are used for entertainment purposes and advertising online only. Please review our privacy policy if you have any data concerns.
If you are ready to submit, click the button above to fill out our submission form.
Feel free to share links to social media posts and content as long as you fill out a submission form giving us permission to use the content (just skip the file upload portion)
Navigating the Submission Form
- When you click / tap the submission form link, you will open the link in a new tab or window within your browser.
- Your name will be included with your submission and you will have the option of submitting a short caption to go along with your photos. You are welcome to use names or nicknames if you don’t want to use your first and last name.
- Once you give us your consent, you will be able to upload your photo or video submission. You can also upload your articles as text files (.pdf, .doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt etc.) form here or use the paragrah editor box to copy paste or write your article in the form.
- Limit is 1000 words of text and 6MB (ONE Photo or Video PER FORM)
- You may submit as many photos, videos, or articles you want , please just submit one per form.
- Enter a valid email address in case the admin has any questions about your submission or needs clarification.
- Press submit once you are finished and we will publish your submission once it has been reviewed and approved!
What We Want
We are looking for unique, personalized, and local content – images, videos, and articles that showcase fishing, boating, and archery in the St. John’s County area. Bonus if you have purchased your boat, outboard, or gear from St. Augustine Marina.
You can submit videos, articles, or photos. Please keep in mind that once you submit content here, the content is published under the St. Augustine Marina Inc. brand and becomes a brand asset – don’t submit anything you wish to publish elsewhere (aside from social media).
We are specifically interested in photos and videos that include a YAMAHA outboard engine in the frame. There may be something in it for your if you can submit one!
Requesting Removal For Published or Submitted Content
We strive to give credit to all of our external sources when photos or videos are used from an outside website or source. If you are the owner of media that has been used on our website and wish that your media be removed, please contact the admin at
with REMOVAL present in the subject box.
If you submitted content via the submission form: If you submitted content using our submission form at any point and wish to have the content removed or modified (caption, credentials, etc) you may contact the admin at
at any time to request removal. Provide your name and the link (if possible) of the content you wish to have removed.
We will remove your content ASAP, typically within 72 hours of receiving your request.