St. Augustine Marina

Authorized Yamaha Dealership - Family Owned Since 1954

  • Call For Details : 904 -829 -8155

    Mon – Saturday
    8 AM – 5 PM

    Closed Sunday & Holidays

  • 245 Vilano Rd. St. Augustine, Florida 32084

YAMAHA: Summer To Repower Sales Event EXTENDED

Summer To Repower, Yamaha Financing, Yamaha Outboards Promo, Yamaha Co-op, Yamaha Dealership, outboards,

Yamaha Powers Us

The Most Popular Engine

Maximum Power Offshore

Summer To Repower Event Ends In:








Take advantage of this limited-time financing promotion from Yamaha and enjoy as low as 6.99 percent APR with no down payment for up to 72 months when you purchase and register an eligible Yamaha outboard engine. St. Augustine Marina, an authorized Yamaha Repower dealership, has new Yamaha 4-stroke and 2-stroke outboard engines ready for installation by our expert technicians. Visit us or contact our Outboard Service Department to check our inventory or place an order.

Not sure which Yamaha outboard engine will meet your needs? Speak with one of our knowledgeable staff members today to see what options match your watercraft, purposes, and budget. Browse engines and compare online to see what innovative reliable and efficient options Yamaha has to offer. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to upgrade to a reliable and high-performing Yamaha outboard today. This offer is valid for eligible new Yamaha outboards purchased, warranty registered, and delivered between July 1st 2024 and (EXTENDED TO) September 31st, 2024.

Additional terms and conditions apply. Rates depend on creditworthiness and eligibility. Eligible on new purchases of Yamaha outboard engines only through an authorized Yamaha dealership. For full program terms, visit

Yamaha, Yamaha outboards, outboard engines, yamaha co-op, logo

Search & Browse Recent Posts

Stumpknocker 164 Skiff Tiller

Griff Craft are inexpensive flat bottom fishing boats perfect for fishing local waters inshore and nearshore. New and used models available with outboard and trailer!

Griff Craft 14ft Tiller *Limited Time Promo*

Griff Craft are inexpensive flat bottom fishing boats perfect for fishing local waters inshore and nearshore. New and used models available with outboard and trailer!

Fishing The Winter Season in Northeast Florida – Tackle & Bait Recommendations

Wahoo is the main target fish in December for this part of the Atlantic, but you're likely to catch more than just wahoo on your fishing trip, even with the recent weather fluctuations affecting tournaments and charters. Sheepshead are another prized fish for those...

Upcoming Fishing Tournaments – Show Off Before The Year Ends!

If you’re a lifelong Floridian or a snowbird returning to Northeast Florida for your winter escape, you understand that nothing can hold us back from hosting exciting events throughout the seasons. Whether it’s pouring rain or blazing sunshine, the fish will be...

Deer Hunting Season 2024

Deer Hunting Season 2024

  Blow The Dust Off Your Compound Bow & Crossbows For Buck Season

Back in May, Ernie and Bubba from The Part Timers Hunting channel stopped in after hours to unbox and try their new Mathews LIFT compound bows in the Bow Center, gearing up for this deer hunting season.

Depending on your zone (we’re located in Zone C), you can expect to start bow-hunting bucks between August and October, with antler-less deer season beginning August 3rd. You can find a complete list of season start and end dates with specifications on the Florida Fish and Wildlife website as usual.

Now, we have no doubt that you have all the gear that you need – and luck– that you’ll need to land a 10 point buck this season, but just in case you missed a few items when you wrote up your ‘seasonal game shopping list’ we have a few recommendations you can consider next time you’re in town and get a chance to stop by St. Augustine Marina’s bow department.

Check Strings For Wear & Tear

Depending on how often you shoot your bow (or not), you might want to restring your crossbow or compound bow before heading out this season, especially if it has been a while since you have been out in the field.

Take a look at the strings of your bow and check if they look fuzzy, frayed, or brittle. If so, you may want to bring it in – we will restring and tune your bow for you while you wait. Most manufacturers recommend you replace your bow strings every 2-3 years – sooner if you hunt often (about ever 2000 -2500 shots, but who is counting?) This video by PJ Reilly goes over what indicators you should be on the look out for. 


If you are an avid bow-hunter of small and large game or just starting out, you may want to consider swapping out your broadheads this buck season. When hunting larger game like deer, you want to ensure a good blood trail from a precise (damaging) shot.

Fixed blade broadheads are more reliable and durable than mechanical broadheads, though mechanical broadheads have their strengths, fixed blades can work with virtually any game and provide the crippling effects mechanical broadheads can without the moving parts and price tag. It will ultimately come down to your own experience and comfort level. This article from MeatEater breaks down the best broadheads for hunting large game / deer – regardless of your choice, we can help get you set up. 

Keep It Simple

Sure, we have everything you could possibly want and need to kick off deer hunting season but consider your purpose and budget. Every item you take out into the field with you has to be transported, assembled, or fastened somewhere on your body which isn’t ideal when you’re trying to move through the brush as stealthily as possible.

While it may be tempting to load up a big pack or bring several scopes, tree stands, mounts, etc. unless you have a caddy, think about the terrain you will be navigating to track your game.

Experience and gear make little difference if you can’t keep up with your dinner (or scare it off jangling around out there!). Our staff will be happy to set you up with the essentials on your budget and at your level of comfort – no BS – and with a little luck, you will bag yourself an award winning, feast-worthy, kill this year!

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Florida Fishing Sticks, Handcrafted Fishing Poles, Deep sea fishing, St. Augustine Florida

Fishing The Winter Season in Northeast Florida – Tackle & Bait Recommendations

Wahoo is the main target fish in December for this part of the Atlantic, but you're likely to catch more than just wahoo on your fishing trip, even with the recent weather fluctuations affecting tournaments and charters. Sheepshead are another prized fish for those...

Upcoming Fishing Tournaments – Show Off Before The Year Ends!

If you’re a lifelong Floridian or a snowbird returning to Northeast Florida for your winter escape, you understand that nothing can hold us back from hosting exciting events throughout the seasons. Whether it’s pouring rain or blazing sunshine, the fish will be...
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The E-Bike For Hunters QuietKat – Electric Off Road Bikes

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Yamaha, Yamalube, Yamaha Genuine Parts, Authorized Yamaha Parts Dealer, St. Augustine Marina

Prepping For Off-Season

Living in Florida, it’s hard to think of winterization as a thing to be regularly done, but boating season ends for everyone at some point. This article features our tried and true tips for prepping your watercraft and engine for your off season months.

castnets, cast nets, fishing gear, shrimp nets, fishing tackle, frozen bait, st. augustine, st. augustine marina

Shrimp Are In Season

Shrimp are available in abundance and we have everything you need to bring in your haul this shrimp season, from cast nets to dip nets, frozen bait, and more. Check out our shrimping offerings for 2024!